RESOLVE To Live Forward podcast

Episode 1: Hello

I'm John. This is a podcast about you. Here's a question: Are you feeling "STUCK?" I know how that feels. Let's have a conversation about what matters most to you. Let's create a community, a collective, A TRIBE of people who want to shift into a Live Forward Mindset. This Episode 1. I hope you'll consider becoming a part of the conversation and feedback. Thank you.

Episode 2: xxx

Are you STUCK? What does that mean, exactly? If we want to shift from stuck to unstuck, is there an effective way to begin? I believe there is, so let's start the conversation with a powerword .... RESOLVE. 

Episode 3: xxx

RESOLVE means having a definite, firm plan of action. This we learned in episode #2. To make that RESOLVE come to fruition, we need a set of "best practices." These are the personal behaviors we do each and every day. In this episode we will examine the traits or behavior of resilience. What is resilience, and how does it apply in our day-to-day lives? 

Episode 4: xxx

Life is about what we engage daily. It's about a NOUN ... Person, Place, or Thing and we ACT on it (a VERB). The action word is ENGAGE. The 2nd letter in RESOLVE is "E" for Engage or Engagement. So what does that look like? There is much we can learn when it comes to how we engage the opportunities offered to us each and every day. 

Episode 5: xxx

In this episode of "RESOLVE to Live Forward," we delve into the concept of service, a word with many interpretations. Throughout history, some of the most influential figures have been those who selflessly served others, seeing servanthood as their highest calling. Today, we'll explore the practice of Selfless Service and how it aligns with the letter "S" in RESOLVE. Join us as we inspire you to embrace this powerful principle and strive for the best in your life and yourself.

Episode 4: xxx

Life is about what we engage daily. It's about a NOUN ... Person, Place, or Thing and we ACT on it (a VERB). The action word is ENGAGE. The 2nd letter in RESOLVE is "E" for Engage or Engagement. So what does that look like? There is much we can learn when it comes to how we engage the opportunities offered to us each and every day.